End-of-the-Month Reflections and Thank You to Readers

Thank you, readers, friends, and loyal fans, for making March 2015, my best book sales month in 2015, so far! Actually, it beats every month in 2014, too, for Kindle sales.

I am super-excited that WITCH BONES has occasionally hit the bestseller list and has been steadily growing a bigger fan base for THE WITCH DETECTIVES series.

In February and March, WITCH BONES was my top-selling title and has some honest, great reviews of it and tons of support from readers who want to see what happens next to our lovely enchantress heroine and her sidekicks.

Thanks to everyone who read and reviewed WITCH BONES! I am grateful for everyone who bought and supports the book, which was my leap of faith into continuing the series without masterful author Stuart Sharp, who is a genius and who has his own goals for his writing projects. It was certainly difficult to write a book set in Scotland when I have never been there! It was a mountain of research and thought because writing a mystery romance is tough enough when you know your setting.

Because of the success of the series, I can now say with certainty that the series will continue and I have NO plans to end it. I have set some new paths for Elle, the heroine, and her friends, enemies–and frenemies!

Inspired by J.R. Rain’s Samantha Moon Vampire for Hire series, I hope that THE WITCH DETECTIVES will become a regular source of entertainment for my readers and pretty much, my security for the future.

Of course, I have many series going, and even new ones planned. I have learned to write in many genres and will continue to do so.

But I have a special love for THE WITCH DETECTIVES and a respect and joy in the series that makes it one of my very favorites to write. It has been so amazing…what has happened to me so far this year.

More books are in store for you. And my thanks are heartfelt and genuine. I could not live my dream without all of you.

Thank you to every person who shares, clicks like, and goes to my page at Amazon, even if only to look. You totally rock my world.

Here I stay.
Love, Eve Paludan

Click here to see THE WITCH DETECTIVES series on Amazon Kindle.

By evepaludan