GHOST FIRE is #99cents for a limited time!

GHOST FIRE is #99cents for a limited time! Some really fun book research happened while I was writing this novel. I visited psychics, and a bunch of small art galleries in Venice, CA and Santa Monica, too. I went on a ghost hunt in a building where a Hollywood awards ceremony was setting up for an event. It was pretty interesting, to say the least! Good times happened for me in the greater Los Angeles area as I wrote this novel and it kind of took over my life as I learned about ghost animals, hauntings, and psychic phenomena. It’s amazing what happens to an author’s life on the flip side of writing a ghost novel. I promise you will find this book quite a wild ride. I was honored to be asked to write for The Ghost Files series. It was a blast. I hope you love this ghostly adventure that has gotten some fun commentary from readers.

Ghost Fire: A Supernatural Mystery Novel (The Ghost Files Book 3)